Thursday, July 30, 2009
A Rare Treat, or so I'm Told
So I got up and started my morning coffee-drinking ritual. I decided to go outside on the deck and check out the ocean -- while I drank coffee. I happened to look to the southwest and waddaya know -- a perfectly formed water spout.
It looked like the storm was about a quarter mile away (could have been further -- hard to judge the distance), but I though it was right next door. This certainly got my attention. My bride took this picture.
Apparently, these events don't happen that often in that area, but it was spectacular. Looks like there were two in the area that morning.
Read more here.
Monday, July 13, 2009
School Rankings and Fishing Lures
Ranking schools is somewhat like ranking fishing lures. There are many ways to rank schools and there are many types of fishing lures. All work to a degree. None is perfect.
I begin to quake with fear when someone mentions something about "raising educational standards' or "educational reform." My experience with these is that most people simply mean that we need to add more stuff and to make it harder for students. I often wonder if the 15 year-old brain is more highly evolved now than, say, fifty years ago. I doubt it.
There seems to be special concern over whether or not students have “gained” from one year to the next. How this can be accomplished with a paper/pencil multiple-guess-type test has never been clear to me. Whether or not students have learned anything may not be apparent for a while. Students do not really learn according to someone’s time-table as might be inferred in the very familiar saying. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Or, as my daddy used to tell me, “Boy, one day you will understand.”
Most recently, there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth because our high school was not included on the list of the top 1500 high schools -- according to one ranking measure. Apparently, for some reason or other (certainly not purposefully), data were not submitted in time. This ranking/rating of high schools is calculated by taking all advanced placement (AP) tests taken (not necessarily "passed") and dividing by the number of graduating seniors. Our data have now been submitted and the ratio has been calculated -- 1.665, a ratio higher than last year's 1.465.
That our data were not submitted does not change the facts that 541 AP tests were taken and 325 seniors graduated. The AP teachers are doing their job. The AP students are doing their job. Nothing changes that. The mere act of submitting data, however, propels our high school from nothing to one of the 1500 top high schools in the nation -- according to this particular ranking system.
In “The Wizard of Oz,” why is Scarecrow smarter just because the wizard gives him a diploma?
It is a sad state of affairs when we get caught up in jumping through these kinds of hoops.
I have issues with ranking systems of any stripe.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Pretty Full Weekend
Saturday evening, we attended a "class reunion" kind of thing at one of the local places in town. It was a reunion of teachers and staff that taught and worked at Jefferson Junior High School (now known as Jefferson Middle School). The good news is that many attended. The bad news is that many could not attend. We saw folks that we had not seen in years. We had lots of fun and not many "war stories" were told. Just some good visitin". I know that I am biased, but I think we had a very good, hard-working and caring staff.